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Your opinions code is unique and represents a company you’ve purchased from recently. If you’re asked to complete a opinions, it means a company has requested your opinion about a specific product or service. To find out more email info@consumermetrics.ca or use our chat option. You can also view our privacy policy.

We never automatically renew your account. We only charge you once for your full term. Your account default is not set to auto renew, but you can renew by emailing clientcare@consumermetrics.ca, chatting with us or calling your account admin today

Please check your opinions code again. If your code is correct and you still can’t access a opinions, email us at survey@consumermetrics.ca or use our chat option.

Your campaign data is constantly uploaded and refreshed as it arrives. If you’re not receiving updates email support@consumermetrics, chat with us or call your account admin today.

Your responses are relayed directly to the company requesting your opinions. Please email survey@consumermetrics.ca or chat with us if you have any questions or concerns. You can also view our privacy policy.

If you are unsure about a company’s credentials please email us at info@consumermetrics.ca or use our chat option to request a company verification. Email info@consumermetrics.ca or chat with us today if you have any additional questions or concerns. You can also call us during regular business hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Toronto Area 437.371.8181 or Toll Free at 1 855 334 1840